
I am an Australian in my early 30s working in the Human Resource industry. I finished university when I was 20 years old, got on the first plane to the United Kingdom and (almost) immediately fell in love the country. Since then, I have moved all around the world but always returned to the UK when I can (including my most recent 4 year stint). My work has taken me to the Middle East, Canada, South Africa and, now, Brazil. I have embarked on each adventure with my boyfriend of seven years. He is English born and bred (not surprisingly) and works in the Transport industry. This is, without a doubt, our most exciting adventure to date but likely also, our last big adventure before we grow up and become sensible adults!

4 thoughts on “About

  1. Pingback: Relocating to… Qatar | Rio... One Last Adventure

  2. Hi!
    I’m a gringo too. I’m Albert from Barcelona. I’ve been in Rio de Janeiro for more than one year.
    Congrats for your blog, I’m already following you 😉 and I’m gonna share some of your posts for sure.
    I tried to contact you by private message, but I couldn’t manage.
    As I arrived to Rio de Janeiro I realized that Portuguese Schools for foreigners weren’t offering a service really adapted to foreigners needs, so I decided to open one. After months of bureaucracy we opened in Copacabana two months ago.
    We really care a lot about our customers needs and we are offering to learn Portuguese with our methods Funlearning and Livelearning where students learn Portuguese as they have fun and get to know our ‘Cidade Maravilhosa’ and Brazilian culture. This is our site: http://www.rioandlearn.com
    We would like a lot to invite you to visit our School and to attend some day to some of our classes completely for free, just to let you know the school and how do we work.
    We really think we offer a better service than other schools.
    We have a Facebook page with almost 5.000 followers, so maybe we could help promoting your blog or some of your posts to our future and actual students.
    Thanks for your time, let me know if you are interested in doing our classes and activities for free.
    Albert Aixut

    • Thanks for your comment Albert and thank you for providing all that information. I hope that readers of my blog find it helpful as you certainly hit the nail on the head in terms of the lack of quality services for learning Portuguese. It seems the emphasis is more on the English language schools.
      I am lucky enough to have a brilliant teacher through Scholar but it really does depend on the teacher you are allocated.
      I will certainly keep this website on file though to share with any expat colleagues who are looking for different options for learning Portuguese. Thank you again.

      • Thank you. We already shared some of your posts, we are already in 5.073 followers in Facebook. If you want to prove our school some day, just let me know. Abraços!

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